Saturday, 18 June 2016

Missing out on Anime North 2016

So Anime North 2016 just passed and I didn't attend it this year. I had previously attended Toronto Kpop Con 2016 the weekend before which you can read about here. So minus this year, I have gone to Anime North for three years in a row and it is my favourite convention that i've ever attended. Not only is the dealers room and artist's alley huge, but there's plenty of things to do there and so many amazing cosplays. You can read about my adventures at Anime North 2015 here on my old blog.

I still wish I had gone to the con this year. Many of my friends have posted photos of them at the con and their awesome cosplays and I just feel like I missed out because I love going to cons.

Once I started college some of my interests began to change. I know it's perfectly fine since i'm still growing up and finding myself, but I started to lose interest in anime and video games. At one point in time during college, I didn't listen to Kpop as much as well- which isn't because I stopped enjoying the music but I would constantly listen to specific music genres and then completely switch to another genre because I would get so used to listening to certain songs no less than 20 times a day. Once I started my second semester of college I rekindled my love of Kpop but just didn't have the time to watch anime or play video games again. I'm planning on doing alot more of those things this summer since I have the time and I recently started watching more K-dramas as well. (I'll have a Madame Antoine review up soon!)

I will definitely be at Anime North 2017 because I am not going to miss it again. I have not actually cosplayed before so I think it's best if I start planning for Anime North 2017 this year. I have thought of potential cosplays I would like to do in the past so I think I might make a post with some of my ideas. I am really good with making things and crafting (I need to practice sewing though) so if I choose to take the DIY cosplay route, then I will make a post about the progress.

I want to stay for the the full weekend at Anime North 2017 so this is going to require alot of planning ahead of time. Thanks for reading!

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